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How to use Tithely
  1. You can create an account at any time.
    By creating an account, you will be able to view your donation history and register multiple payment methods.
    You can make a donation without creating an account.

  2. Enter your donation amount

  3. Select the type of donation (tithing, gratitude, etc.)

  4. Choose your giving frequency
    One Time: A one-time donation
    Weekly: Donate every week (choose the day of the week)
    Bi-weekly: Donate every other week (choose the day of the week)
    1st & 15th: Donate on the 1st and 15th of each month
    Monthly: Monthly donations (you can choose the date)

  5. Enter your name

  6. Enter your email address

  7. Enter your phone number
    Omit the leading zero and no hyphen. Example: 090-1234-0000 → 9012340000

  8. Enter your credit card details
    Some types of JCB cards may not be accepted.

  9. System usage fee
    No: The church covers the fees
    Yes: Fees will be added to the donation amount

  10. Memos (for the donation manager, such as details of designated donations)

  11. Making an Online Donation

Using Online Giving System

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